hoi hoi wat fijn, grote voorleesboek voor peuters (hip hip so nice, large reading book for toddlers)

hoi hoi wat fijn, grote voorleesboek voor peuters (hip hip so nice, large reading book for toddlers)
This special collection has been compiled by children's book specialist Lia Reedijk (former owner of De Utrechtse Kinderboekhandel) for all children as old as miffy. In addition to the reading stories and verses, there is an endless amount to discover on
Read moreThis special collection has been compiled by children's book specialist Lia Reedijk (former owner of De Utrechtse Kinderboekhandel) for all children as old as miffy. In addition to the reading stories and verses, there is an endless amount to discover on the many search and viewing plates. Miffy's Dutch book friends are there aswell, such as Kikker, Jip and Janneke, Kleine Beer, Superguppie and Vos and Haas. Dimensions: 226 x 197 x 27mm. Size: 240 pages ISBN: 9789056476205 Language: Dutch